Author Guidelines
The Journal of Digital Information is not accepting new submissions at this time.
Start a new submission
Follow these steps to submit an article to JoDI. If you have previously submitted an article to JoDI, then you may skip straight to step 2. STEP 1 Register with JoDI as an author Click the above link to register with the journal. Fill out the forms required fields (username, password, name, and email address) and select the "Author" checkbox at the bottom of the page. Click "Register" to complete the registration. STEP 2Submit an Article After logging in (for the first time or at subsequent times), you will see a User Home with a "New Submission" link. Click that link to begin your submission.Formats
Since JoDI is a web-based journal, the preferred presentation format is HTML. We strongly recommend submission in this form but we will accept manuscripts in other Web-viewable formats, such as PDF. Where a non-html paper is submitted the author's final, refereed and accepted copy will be presented unedited, supplemented with an edited html 'front page' version.Illustrations and figures
What follows applies for papers being submitted in HTML. Where figures are to be read as part of the main body of text they must be in a form that is readable using standard browsers without plug-in software. Standard formats to use are GIF (for graphics) or JPEG (for half-tones). Please note, however, papers must be formally complete and readable so illustrations should only be left outside the main content of the paper if the structure of the paper warrants it, not for reasons of formatting. When submitting an HTML which uses figures or illustrations please ‘zip’ your HTML and images together. First create a directory that includes your HTML file(s) along with all images referenced in the HTML. Then use a standard zip program to compress these files (and directory) into one file. When submitting your paper upload the single zip file. Remember, all images and figures should be referenced in the HTML using "relative", and not absolute paths (i.e., the file image01.gif would appear in the XHTML as <a href="image01.gif" />, with no preceding slashes). Common zip tools: WinZip (for windows) or GNU Zip(for other platforms).References and notes
JoDI differentiates between references and notes (or footnotes, as they are called in print journals): references are citations of other works; notes are 'asides'. Both can be listed, separately, at the end of the text, and items in the lists can be linked from the text occurrences. Notes can be numbered; references should not be numbered. We strongly advocate the inclusion of references to online works, especially where these are openly accessible.Always include a URL for a work, if known, even if it is not the original source (but in such cases check it is the same work, or the same version of that work, that you are citing; if not, state the version and date of the online work if known). Citations in the text should be given in the following forms:- A new development was reported by Smith (1997) or (if two authors) Smith and Jones (1997) or (if more than two authors) Smith et al. (1997)
- (also acceptable) New developments have been reported (Smith 1997) or if citing more than one reference (Smith 1997; Smith 1996)
The reference list should be presented as an unnumbered list. References should be ordered alphabetically by author, with the latest paper first where there is more than one paper by the same author(s). References should be presented in the following form,giving the names of all contributing authors:
- To journals: author(s) surname, initials (year) "title". Journal title, volume, issue, month (as applicable), inclusive page numbers
e.g. Inselberg, A. and Dimsdale, B. (1994) "Multidimensional Lines I: Representations". SIAM Journal of Applied Mathematics, Vol. 54, No. 2, 559-577
- To books: author(s) surname, initials (year) title of book(location of publisher: publisher)
e.g.Chen, C. (1999) Information Visualization and Virtual Environments (New York: Springer Verlag)
- To parts of a work (e.g. edited work, conference proceedings): author(s) surname, initials (year) "title of section". 'In' title of work, 'edited by' editor(s) (as applicable) (location of publisher: publisher), pp.
e.g. Clark, J. T., Slator, B., Bergstrom, A., Larson, F., Frovarp, R., Landrum, J. E. III, and Perrizo, W. (2001) "Preservation and Access of Cultural heritage Objects Through a Digital Archive Network for Anthropology". In Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Virtual Systems and Multimedia. Enhanced Realities: Augmented and unplugged, edited by Hal Thwaites and Lon Addison (Los Alamitos, CA: IEEE Computer Society Press), pp. 253-262
- To online sources: as per categories above with URL: statethe full URL of the resource, i.e. a direct link to the cited resource, not simply the URL of the host site.
- To unpublished sources: author(s) surname, initials OR (if no named author) abbreviated source (year) "title". Source of work (not italics), location OR (if online source) date of source when viewed (e.g. date posted or date last updated) or other identifying and versioning data as applicable with URL
e.g. ATL (2001b) "Walk-through tutorial or use of the DANA Application". Archaeology Technologies Laboratory, North Dakota State University (NDSU), last updated June 21, 2001
HTML Template
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" ""> <html> <head> <title>JoDI HTML Article Template</title> </head> <body> <h1>JoDI HTML Article Template</h1> <div id="front-matter"> <div id="author-info"> <p><b>Scott Phillips</b><br /> Texas Digital Library<br /></p> <p><b>Adam Mikeal</b><br /> Texas A&M University<br /></p> </div> <!-- author-info --> <div id="abstract"> <h2>Abstract</h2> <p>This document is a template for an HTML submission to the Journal of Digitial Information (JoDI). While this template is not mandatory, it is recomeneded for submissions that meet the typical style and structure of a referreed academic paper. Your abstract should be a short description of the work that limited to a paragraph or two.</p> </div> <!-- abstract--> </div> <!-- front-matter --> <div id="maincontent"> <h2>1. Introduction</h2> <p> The Journal Digital Information (JoDI) encourages submission in HTML and other forms of digital media. You may use other templates or structures for your submissions to JoDI, however if you work follows the typical structure of a referred academic paper you are encouraged to use this template to streamline the process. </p> <p> There are specialy labeled HTML divisions used within this template: front-matter (containing: author-info and abstract), maincontent, back-matter (containing: acknowledgements and references). Please use these divisions as approproate to identify the major parts of your submission.</p> <h2>2. Figures</h2> <p> Figures are commonly used to illistrate complex concepts and should be included in-line with the HTML where possible. They should be enclosed in a division of class "figure" containing the image followed by description of the figure. When submitting articles to JoDI you must provide all images, and their links should be <i>relative</i> to the location of the HTML file.</p> <div class="figure"> <img src="chart.jpg" alt="Textual description of the figure" /> <p><strong>Figure 1.</strong> An image describing something.</p> </div> <h2>2. Citing other work</h2> <p> The references section should be listed in an un-numbered list with an HTML anchor providing a link location. References should be linked to from within the text of the article using anchor fragments, i.e. [<a href="#REF01">1</a>].</p> <h2>3. Submitting your HTML</h2> <p>Submissions encoded in HTML rarely consist of a single HTML document and are almost always accompanied by several images or other media files. When submitting HTML that uses figures or illustrations please 'zip' your HTML and images together. First create a directory that includes your HTML file(s) along with all images referenced in the HTML. Then use a standard zip program to compress these files (and directory) into one file. When submitting your paper upload the single zip file.</p> </div> <!-- maincontent --> <div id="back-matter"> <div id="acknowledgements"> <h2>4. Acknowledgements </h2> <p>Mention any supporting agencies or other contributions in this section.</p> </div> <!-- acknowledgements --> <div id="references"> <h2>5. References </h2> <ul> <li><a name="REF01" ></a>Inselberg, A. and Dimsdale, B. (1994) "Multidimensional Lines I: Representations". SIAM Journal of Applied Mathematics, Vol. 54, No. 2, 559-577</li> <li><a name="REF02" ></a>Chen, C. (1999) Information Visualization and Virtual Environments (New York: Springer Verlag)</li> <li><a name="REF03" ></a>Clark, J. T., Slator, B., Bergstrom, A., Larson, F., Frovarp, R., Landrum, J. E. III, and Perrizo, W. (2001) "Preservation and Access of Cultural heritage Objects Through a Digital Archive Network for Anthropology". In Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Virtual Systems and Multimedia. Enhanced Realities: Augmented and unplugged, edited by Hal Thwaites and Lon Addison (Los Alamitos, CA: IEEE Computer Society Press), pp. 253-262</li> <li><a name="REF04" ></a>ATL (2001b) "Walk-through tutorial or use of the DANA Application". Archaeology Technologies Laboratory, North Dakota State University (NDSU), last updated June 21, 2001 <a href="" ></a></li> </ul> </div> <!-- references --> </div> <!-- back-matter --> </body> </html>
Submission Preparation Checklist
All submissions must meet the following requirements.
- The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
- The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
- Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
- The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
- The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
Privacy Statement
The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.